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Right-of-Way Permit Application

Per Ordinance 2015-02-02

If you are not currently registered with the City as a R-O-W contractor or Franchise Holder, you must register first.  Get the application here.

Per Ordinance 2015-02-02, minor construction work in the Right-of-Way does not require a permit.  If the work involves ANY of the following, it is classified as a MAJOR REPAIR and does requires a permit.

Construction plans must be emailed to  The plans must include:

a. The proposed location and route of all facilities within Public Rights-of-Way to be constructed, installed, expanded, replaced, removed, or maintained.

b. The location of all Public Rights-of-Way boundaries at the proposed facilities.

c. A description of all existing City utilities that could potentially conflict with applicant's proposed route, including City profiles, if available, when crossing any City utility.

d. A description of the type and size of facilities the applicant proposes to install.

e. A description of any bores or trenches the applicant proposes to dig, and any handholes, manholes, switchgear, transformers, pedestals, etc. the applicant proposes to install, showing the approximate depth of such construction and installations along with any variance from standard City trenching details. 

f. A description of plans to remove and replace pavement if such plans differ from the City construction requirements.

g. A typical section of all equipment (pedestals, transformers, etc.) to be set, including pad sizes if required.

h. A traffic control plan, unless demonstrated not applicable, as approved by the City Secretary or designee.

i. The construction and installation methods to be employed for the protection of existing structures, fixtures, and facilities within or adjacent to the Public Rights-of-Way, and the dates and times work will occur.

j. A complete legend of drawings submitted by applicant.

k. An erosion control plan, to the extent required by the City's Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards.

Major Construction Reasons CHECK ALL THAT APPLY
Street to be Cut
Closest Physical Address
Closest Intersecting Street
Work to be Performed
Expected Start Date
Expected Completion Date
Reason for Installation or Repair
Business or Service Type
Installer Name
Installer Address
Installer Email
Installer Contact Name
Installer Contact Phone
Installer Website
Owner Name
Owner Address
Owner Contact Name
Owner Contact Phone

By submission, I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and correct.  All laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.  The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction.  I confirm the all materials necessary for construction will be on hand and ready for use so as not to delay the construction.  I certify I am the owner or duly authorized representative of the owner whose name appears on this application and I am fully authorized to bind the owner in executing this application. I certify that I have on file with the City Secretary evidence that I hold a current policy of comprehensive general liability insurance covering all work described in accordance with Ordinance 2015-02-02.

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